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- Gary Zukav

"Authentic power is the alignment of the personality with the soul."

1:1 Coaching

Hey, I am Fi :)


I am here to support you to create a business you can be proud of. A business that supports the kind of life you ARE worthy of having, running things how have always dreamt of - YOUR way and on YOUR terms. 


You being here, right now, is the first step. 

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What I Can Help You With:

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Mindset Mastery & Overcoming Blocks

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Sales Role Play Sessions

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Consistency in your Messaging

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Launching & Marketing Strategies

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Creating & Defining Your Offers, Programs, Packages & Pricing

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Understanding Your positioning in the market & Niching Down

So is this you?


Have you been feeling like you don’t have enough time to invest in your business?


Is the constant need to get things perfect completely stopping you from progressing?


Have you been giving your saboteur way too much of the lime light and has your next level self belief been shelved?


How about your confidence? Have you been holding yourself back from putting yourself out there and being seen?




I thought so…and I get it. 

A business is a bit like like having a baby, there is so much people DON’T tell you about it. The struggles, the pitfalls, the late nights, the worry. 


Or perhaps, they do, you just thought your baby would be different…Lol


So starting a business is not what you first thought it would be…


  • You want to make enough money so you can go all in, but don’t know where to start.

  • You feel like you are spinning way too many plates but this is THE thing you feel passionate about and you soooooo want it to work

  • You see everyone around you fully booked, sold out and totally smashing it, which makes you wonder what you’re doing wrong

  • You know in your heart you CAN do this with the right help but there is also that little voice that keeps saying what if I fail? What will everyone think? Or what if I do succeed and it then all comes crashing down?!


And Breathe…


Just take amount here…


We ALL have to start somewhere, but it doesn’t mean we stay there…

There is also something else I am willing to bet on…I know this is also you…


You don’t let things beat you, you can be fearless in the face of challenges. 


You know that getting to your goals could take a lifetime, but you have too much to offer this world to wait that long, you know you don’t have to do it alone. 


You know you are amazing at what you do, the clients you have adore you, you just don’t know how to package your offers and attract your ideal clients with a strategy that works for you. 


It’s not just about you, you are doing this for a bigger reason, to give back, for your family. You have your WHY figured out already, you don’t want to settle and let another month go by where you are not feeling content, happy, excited, confident and proud. 


You are looking for clarity, confidence and freedom! And that is exactly what you are going to get with me…

I am a fully certified Level 4 Mindfulness Life Coach with training in NLP, counselling and Psychology. Alongside my interest in self development I have been working in recruitment specifically within the automotive sector, consulting with multi-million pound business owners and executives on best practices for hiring top talent. 

Working one on one with me is not for the faint of heart; we dive deep. We delve into your shadow self; we look at your roots, your core values - what is physically and metaphorically holding you back, we look at it all. I am not just your coach, but I am also your mentor and your biggest cheerleader.
I will hold your hand, but I will push you where necessary.

My approach is bespoke to you, with me by your side, together we will declutter, organise, structure and strategise so you can root down, grow and thrive in the areas of your life that matter most. 

Our time together will support you for the rest of your life.

I am here to support you through your business adventure, not just because I know I can, but because I have been where you are and I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with starting a business.  

So, no matter what stage of business you are currently at, no matter what the goal is, and no matter what obstacles you are currently facing, I want to help you ignite your business and get crystal clear on your next steps so you not only feel super confident but also empowered to take the action and create the results that you truly desire in your life. 

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